Usman Khalid

Usman Khalid

Usman is the keynote Speaker of our WordCamp who shed some light on community and how can you grow with it.

Usman is the man behind WordCamps ! He brought first Wordcamp into Pakistan which is WordCamp Karachi 2018. Usman is lead Organizer Wordcamp Karachi 2018-19, Co Organizer WordCamp Asia 2020 and runs local WordPress Community in Karachi. He is the co-founder of WordPress Agency WPJIT focuses on Publishers, Memberships and Ecommerce Industry and DevOps Engineer at Cloudifie (Cloud Consultancy based in London).

Usman is the first and only Community Deputy from Pakistan at WordPress Foundation. He also leads a CMX Community in Karachi Chapter. Usman Loves DevOps, Cloud, WordPress, and Traveling! You can find him at LinkedIn  twitter & facebook